Market Support

Printed Material:

A certain level of printed material will be made available to you each month. This material will be produced on a regular basis so as to assist you in your efforts. Some material is directed towards the end user, which informs them of the advantages of home testing and also educates them in the use of the EasyMate product range. Other material will be directed towards health professionals and point-of-care situations. Again this material will provide a good deal of information that will inform and encourage these person to consider the advantages of the EasyMate range.

Mature confident and happy manMuch of the printed information will be in the form of A5 and A4 size leaflets, in full colour and illustrated according to the content. Point of sale banners in A4, A3 and larger will also be made available to you. Of course, this material can be handed out to health professionals and resellers of the EasyMate product range.

In addition, you will be supplied with business cards and other material to provide a personal touch to your distributorship, as well as those  customers that you reach out to.  A full sales manual will also be provided and this will contain a valuable amount of reference material. It should be noted that in essence this material is provided in certain quantities as part of your distributorship, however it does depend in part upon the level of business that you are doing. Of course you may purchase additional material at our production cost.


Some advertising allowances will be available to you for specific programs. It is not possible to detail here our entire advertising program and the support that we can provide you. In general, we are very aware of the necessity to promote and assist you, however we do want this to be both cost effective and results orientated. Advertising could be in a variety of media including print, television, radio and web.


You will be provided with your own unique website, where customers can visit and place orders. This alone will be a huge asset in your distributorship and marketing. The website will be fully set up and hosted by us and will feature you as the local EasyMate distributor. It will also include all relevant product information and a completely secure online store. This will not only assist your customers in ordering, but also will save you a huge amount of time and paperwork.

Market Training:

You will also be provided with very comprehensive market training and this will comprise of separate online modules, as part of the full training that is detailed on the previous page. Again, much of the training will be by video modules and this is backed up by written information and checklists.

This training will cover the full program of marketing, from the end user through to the health professionals, point-of-care situations and resellers. No stone is left unturned and every effort is made to ensure your success. Of course, we will also be available to personally talk with you and help you in your endeavours. Ongoing market training, information and promotional sessions will be done with individuals and groups through the latest online Webinar technology, on a very regular basis.

Marketing Initiatives:

We have a number of very innovative and unique marketing methods and initiatives that will assist you greatly. It is not possible to detail here the full range of our unique initiatives, but suffice it to say that these will be of substantial benefit to you and your income earning potential. Full details of these initiatives will be made available to you at the appropriate time.


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